You're reading this because you are already a Fidelis Lady - heck, you probably like being one too!! My guess is that you found Fidelis or Fidelis found you in some very unique way! Knowing WHY you are a Fidelis Lady is vital not only to your Fidelis Sisters but also to your continued growth as a woman of God.
During Inspire this summer we posed this "why" question to the Ladies who shared the week with us. In an effort to assist ALL of our Fidelis Ladies I would like to invite you into this exercise too.
A "why" statement illustrates to the listener your heartfelt and faithful decision about a certain topic, etc. In my life this little exercise, along with the practice of consistent daily prayer & meditation, has really assisted in focusing my efforts, energy, conversations and actions toward meaningful ends (a bit humbling and sanctifying at times as well! LOL!).
I pray by sharing a little of my story which I shared with the Ladies at Inspire this summer, will help and encourage you in discovering and writing your Fidelis "why" statement.
Over six years ago, the Lord used the Fidelis Sisterhood to reveal to me the longing in my heart for true friendship. Most of my life I had been the friend and even in my work I was the friend…yet, I did not have the friend or friends which we hear about in scripture like in Sirach 6:14-17 —“A faithful friend is a sure shelter, whoever finds one has a rare treasure. A faithful friend is something beyond price, there is no measuring her worth. A faithful friend is the elixir of life, and those who fear the Lord will find one. Whoever fears the Lord makes true friends, for as a man is, so is his friend.”
The Lord exposed this innermost desire when He invited me into the Fidelis Sisterhood through a talk given at our parish by Jason Craig which was being presented to engage interest in Fraternus and Fidelis. With my yes, I dug in, used the gifts He’d given me and then low and behold — BAM, like a bolt He showed up in some of the most beautiful women that by His Grace I now consider FRIENDS, not acquaintances, FRIENDS! These are the women who will tell me the hard things, journey with me through the yuck and the mess, they’re also the ones who have my back and I have theirs… they lift me up and confirm my strengths and build me up even in my weakness, who I can tell the deepest things to and also know I am heard, loved and cared for! Sisters - friends!! I can call them Sisters because we are first Sisters in Christ!
God has used Fidelis to expose my strengths and gifts (and my weaknesses :-)). The Sisters, the virtues and the community inspire me on my path to holiness. I have been free to use my gifts in Fidelis to truly come alive!
As you prayerfully explore the attached worksheet to discover your Fidelis "why" remember that
keeping your "why" short and actionable can communicate your genuine love Fidelis to all those whom God placed in your path.
When writing your why use these steps:
1. simple and clear
2. actionable
3. focused on how you'll contribute to others, and
4. expressed in affirmative language that resonates with you.
In case you're wondering this is my "why": “‘I’m called to the Fidelis Sisterhood and being a Fidelis Lady so I may share my love of: the Lord, virtue and genuine friendship. As a Lady I hope to become a saint and along the way inspire others to sainthood too!”
I cannot wait to hear yours! Please share your Fidelis WHY at: