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"The Word of God Grounds and Flows from Right Reason" ~ Fr. Michael Hendershott

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Please watch our Ladies Monthly Meet Up here.

"By what doth a young man correct his way? by observing thy words." ~ Psalm118:9 (Douay-Rheims)

This month Fr. Hendershott joined us for another look at our overarching virtue: Prudence. Father showed us that Supernatural Prudence is what we strive for - in this we are moving TOWARD God. Prudence, he said, is not "the least I can do to not lose something." Instead, prudence which is, right reason acting, calls us to use practical wisdom accompanied by concrete particulars in our lives. Knowing and keeping the Commandments can assist us in forming our right reason which in turn will allow us to invite God into these opportunities to grow in Prudence. As we grow in Prudence we grow in holiness Sisters!

"Prudence has two eyes, one that forces what one has to do, the other that examines afterward what one has done" ~ St. Ignatius

In his exegesis on what he called the "3 Moments" of Prudence Father pointed out:

First Moment: Seek Counsel - INQUIRY - Where we call upon not only our Sisterhood but we also must be moved by scripture, wisdom (what we already know), and the lives of the Saints.

Second Moment: JUDGE - this is an action where we form the decision or the path forward.

Third Moment: COMMAND - Where we show and act on obedience to the decision. We move forward. To leave this moment out is to be imprudent.

Are your actions following the truth of your being?

Think about St. Maria Goretti and how her actions followed the truth of her being - when you're interacting with the Sisters during Fidelis Nights are you authentically yourself? Are we engaging the Sisters in meaningful conversation and relationship? Are we truly listening and inviting them into the games, the activities, the conversations? Are our actions flowing out of our own formation, our own growth in virtue?

During the fifth and final session of our Fidelis Night Training Series our training conversation highlighted some ideas or strategies on how to engage and interact effectively with the Sisters. Here are a few things the Ladies shared:

+ Have a few Fidelis Ladies act as "Greeters" at your Fidelis Night - helping with nametags and welcoming each Sister in an authentic way.

+ Some Sisters prefer acts of service - invite a Sister or two into the set up or clean up for the Fidelis Night and use this action as a jumping off point into a conversation with her.

+ Add a Question Box to your Fidelis Nights to get the Sisters talking about what intrests them about faith, virtue, and living out their femininity.

+ Reframe some of your Family Conversations with starters like: "_______ when you read this question what does it mean to you?" "How would you ask this question differently?"

+ Think about how YOU would like to be invited into a conversation - then, using the Golden Rule, do the same for a Fidelis Sister.

We hope you enjoyed the Fidelis Night Series. Are there areas where your chapter needs some help? Reach out to Betsy at and let her know what training topics you'd like to have covered in future meetups.


Moving forward we will toggle our Lady Mentor Training MeetUps between the First Thursday and the second Tuesday of the month, every other month, in order to accommodate more of our Ladies. We will continue to record the sessions and post them to the Mentor Blog.

See the calendar below and be sure to SAVE THE DATES (all times Eastern)and clicking on the dates will take you to the registration for each MeetUp:


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